Scroll tool enables easy image scrolling with mouse and changing the active series using button’s drop-down menu. You can scroll the series images by scrolling the mouse wheel in the desired direction.
For scrolling the series images with mouse without wheel function, assign the mouse button to Scroll function . Once tapped it enables you to scroll through the series of images by using a vertical drag gesture: drag upwards to scroll towards the series beginning and drag downwards to scroll towards the series ending.
By default, scrolling is done in scope of current series. To enable the scroll between series, use the Activate fast scroll between series menus.
NOTE! Scrolling between series apply for scrolling with mouse and does not apply for scroll bar function.
Scroll button can be extended:
Figure 18. Scroll button menu
- To change the active series, use menu option Go to previous series (shortcut - Left Arrow in keyboard) or go to next series (shortcut - Right Arrow in keyboard). In settings this functionality can be included in the quick menu, for faster browsing through study series.
- To activate/deactivate fast scrolling between series with mouse, use Activate fast scroll between series option. Series scrolling is enabled if the scroll icon on the left side of the menu is highlighted
. Series scrolling settings are stored in your browser's local storage and only apply to the same browser.
- To automatically start series images preload on CT/MR/PT series opening, use Activate CT/MR/PT series preload option. Menu option is displayed, only if the not displaying series images thumbnails and automatic preload is configured for CT/MR/PT series. Automatic series preload is enabled if the preload icon on the left side of the menu is highlighted
. Automatic preload settings are stored in your browser's local storage and only apply to the same browser.