By selecting the corresponding menu option, you can launch the series image reconstruction in one of three planes: Axial, Coronal, or Sagittal. The program performs the following steps:
- Preloads the series images. The progress bar appears in the viewport during image preload process.
- Applies the required image transformation if the selected plane differs from the original series data set. The transformation tag is displayed in the viewport, if applied.
- Displays the selected view (Axial, Coronal, or Sagittal) in active viewport. The scroll cursor is moved in the middle of the initial or calculated set of images.
Figure 24. Steps of Coronal image reconstruction from axial series of images: axial series preload and calculated coronal view
Once the image reconstruction process is finished, you can use scroll bar or scroll function to see the images (slices) of the view (axial, sagittal, coronal) you have selected.