Images of one selected series are used for 3D reconstruction. To start the 3D reconstruction, open the series image in the selected viewport and click the Oblique menu. The system divides the active viewport into four sections, and start the series preload and reconstruction process:
Figure 26. 3D reconstruction in progress
Once the reconstruction process is done, you will see the 3D and three orthogonal planes view in viewports’ divisions:
Figure 27. Oblique reconstruction
The value of the slab thickness in millimeters and the rendering mode are displayed in the bottom right corner of each orthogonal view. By default, the orthogonal planes display the image of single slice, and the slab thickness value is undefined: “- “. To render the orthogonal view from several image slices, do the following:
- Specify the slab thickness from which you want to generate the image. You can do this in two ways:
- Expand the slab thickness selection list by clicking the arrow on the right and select the slab thickness:
Figure 28. Slab thickness selection in oblique MPR view
- Or, If the required value is not in the list, select Other in drop-down list, enter the value in Slab Thickness entry window, and press Apply button:
Figure 29. Slab thickness entry window
The entered slab thickness is displayed in the image. All the images (slices) that get in the slab are used for rendering the displayed resulting image.
- Select the rendering method from drop-down list:
Figure 30. Rendering method selection in oblique MPR view.
The following rendering methods may be used:
- MIP (Maximum Intensity Projection): the pixel gray value in rendered image is the maximum value of all images (slices) of the slab.
- AVG (Average Intensity Projection): the pixel gray value in rendered image is the average value of all images (slices) of the slab.
- MinIP (Minimum Intensity Projection): the pixel gray value in rendered image is the minimum value of all images (slices) of the slab.
- The system automatically renders images of orthogonal planes according to the specified slab thickness and rendering method values:
NOTE! The same slab thickness and rendering method values are applied in all orthogonal planes' views.
Figure 31. Oblique MPR view with adjusted slab thickness and rendering method
NOTE! To analyze images of the reconstructed series, use tools: Windowing, Zoom, Pan, Scroll, Measure. functions are available during MPR Oblique mode. The Crosshair function is automatically applied in orthogonal planes and may be rotated.
The 3D view and orthogonal planes views are displayed in separate divisions of the same viewport (as in multi-image case). You cannot manually adjust the size or position of oblique view divisions, but you can add additional viewports using Layout function and open the other studies or series images in them.
Reconstructed 3D studies comparison:
Figure 32. Comparison of two reconstructed 3D studies
Multi-Modality comparison:
Figure 33. MPR 3D Oblique view and multi-Modality comparison