The Fusion function allows you to combine the series of CT, MR, and PET types (overlay the selected for fusion series on the already displayed series). For example, link the PET series representing the sites of radioactive drug concentrations with the anatomical patient structure. The series fusion function can be selected only after loading the series into the active window. The Fusion function is achieved by selecting the Fusion icon in the main toolbar.
To start fusion:
- Select or open the image the CT, MR or PET series that you want to combine with other series.
- Click Fusion button and open the Fusion window:
Figure 209. Fusion window
- In the Fusion window the user can select the series from the active study or from the other studies that are opened in the Viewer. Select the series you want to overlay with the already viewed active series and click the Start Fusion button.
NOTE! If the active study has PET series, they are displayed in the separate tab, and this tab is selected by default on Fusion window opening.
NOTE! CT, MR, or PET series from any study that is opened in the Viewer window, may be selected in All studies tab. This allows the user to combine a series of different studies.
- The program preloads viewed active series, and the selected series, if not loaded earlier, and then fuses them. The preload process progress is seen on the screen.
NOTE! The time of series preload process depends on the size of series and the connection speed.
- Once the fusion process is finished, the fusion series and the toolbar of fusion series are displayed in the active viewport:
Figure 210. Fusion series