NOTE! Hanging protocol is automatically applied only to the first study that is opened in the viewer.
NOTE! Other hanging protocol may be manually selected only from the same Hanging protocols group and is applied to the same study that was opened with automatically applied hanging protocol from this group.
Clicking the Hanging protocol button opens the Hanging protocol options window.
Figure 227. Hanging protocol options window
You can see the currently applied hanging protocol and apply the other hanging protocol in Manual hanging protocol selection section.
To apply other hanging protocol:
- select the hanging protocol group from Hanging protocol group drop-down list.
- select the hanging protocol from Hanging protocol drop-down list.
- click Apply button.
In Current workspace settings section, you can see and change the setting of automatic apply in workspace:
- to change device setting select the device from Current device drop-down list.
- to change the Automatically apply hanging protocol setting select Enable or Disable button.
- click Apply button to save the settings.
NOTE! The workspace settings are saved in browser’s storage and are applicable only for the same browser.
Figure 228. Hanging protocol menu options
Hanging protocol button’s pop-up menu provides quicker access to some information and functions of Hanging protocol options window:
- menu Automatically apply hanging protocol shows the current property value – highlighted icon means that that automatic apply is enabled. Clicking the menu inverts the value and highlighting.
- menu group Hanging protocols list lists all the protocols of applied Hanging protocols group. Currently applied protocol is highlighted. Clicking the menu with other protocol applies this protocol and highlights the menu option.
The other way quickly navigate through the protocols of the applied hanging protocol group is using the toolbar buttons and shortcuts:
- The buttons for applying previous Hanging protocol and next Hanging Protocol buttons may be displayed in Viewer toolbar on the left and the right side of the Hanging Protocol button correspondingly: .
- Shortcuts ALT+V and ALT+C can be used to apply correspondingly the next and the previous hanging protocol from current hanging protocol group.
NOTE! The ALT+V and ALT+C shortcuts may be used even if Prev. HP and Next HP are disabled in system settings.