In this we will provides you a guide on how to report the results of a study and save it accordingly.
- To produce a report for a study, simply click on the worklist tab
- Select the study you would like to report on , this will open study details page where you can find report tab, If the tab is not present to the study which was assigned to you then it means that you have not yet accepted the study.
- Navigate to Actions on the top right of the screen then click on "Accept Study" if it has not been accepted already
- Click on the report tab and fill out all the necessary fields for procedure and note.
- If your report is done but needs to be reviewed and signed by another radiologist before finalizing, click on the Save drop down and Select 'As Preliminary report' button at the bottom of the form
- Once the report is reviewed and ready for finalisation, click on the Save drop down and Select 'As Final Report' button at the bottom of the form as shown below
- If the report form is partially filled and you'd like to continue reporting at a later time, simply click on the 'save draft ' button at the bottom of the form to save your current progress
- You can also see a timeline of activities and knowledge base on the current study on the Timeline and Knowledge base tab at the top right hand side of the screen
- You can also upload a report document that you have made externally by clicking on attachment button.
- Furthermore, we have three options available for making a report, which are structured report, free text report or dynamic report.
- In a Structured report, certain elements such as techniques and clinical information are predefined and fixed, whereas in a Free text report you have the freedom to write the report in a more open format.
- In dynamic report, we have the ability to create and incorporate new elements or headings within our report and saving it as a template. Check here to learn more about dynamic reporting.